Observation: Baldwin Park is completely about uniformity. All the homes are the same style and same color. The stores blend in together and make a sleek downtown look. Most of the cars are expensive and there are plenty of lakes, rivers and parks.
Speculation: I think that Baldwin Park is here because there is a lot of space and it is also in a decent area.
Analysis: They obviously had the land to build this super sub-urb, so they went with it. It was a huge success and one of the prettiest "neighborhoods" I've ever been in.
Evaluation: The neighborhood is here because of space, and because they wanted to make a neighborhood out of a defunct military college.
Q: Why is Baldwin Park located where it is?
A: A lot of space to put it on (former Naval Training Center) and we wanted to "turn a defunct military college into a sustainable, traditional neighborhood that would complement the surrounding community."
Q: What kind of people are you looking to attract to your neighborhood?
A: We are seeking "urban dwellers seeking a new home in an old, established area of town and suburbanites seeking to escape long commutes."
Q: What are your cheapest houses? Your most expensive?
A: Our cheapest houses are in the low $200,000; our most expensive houses can be over $5,000,000.
The main differences between my neighborhood and this neighborhood are: My neighborhood is very open, while Baldwin Park is an enclosed community that is pretty much self supportive. My neighborhood is very inexpensive compared to the houses in Baldwin Park. All around, Baldwin Park is much better than my neighborhood.